Host A Class

Hosting A Class

Co-Sponsored Training

LD Consulting has two primary options to accommodate the training needs of your organization.

The first option is hosting a training course.  Agencies may take advantage of this format to obtain some free training for their personnel by providing a meeting facility, some coffee and their hospitality in exchange for free seats* for one of our courses.  We then partner with the hosting agency to assist in marketing and advertising the course to surrounding agencies.

What LD Consulting provides:

  • Web site announcement
  • Coordinator to support seminar
  • Instructor
  • Laptop computer for instructor
  • All Student Material including for each student: Class Roster, Class Material, and Certificate of Completion
  • Administration of all registrations and payments for course

What the Co-Sponsoring Agency provides:

  • A coordinator for the course
  • A Training facility for 35+ persons, facility size may vary, depending on the course being offered
  • A projector and screen compatible with instructor’s laptop
  • Notification to surrounding agencies of the course
  • Location within one hour of a major airport

Benefits of Co-Sponsoring:

  • * Number of “free seats” varies depending on the course; contact Dan Olson for details.
  • Total elimination of travel and per diem expense
  • Front page acknowledgement on all marketing brochures
  • Recognition as a leader in law enforcement auditing and inspections training

For any questions regarding Co-Sponsoring training, contact Dan Olson at In-Service Training
In-Service Training can be the most cost effective option for an organization to train a larger number of personnel. For a single fee an organization can bring the a course that best meets their needs to their location. LD Consulting in-service training provides training for groups that offer significant savings when compared to training personnel individually. In-service training allows agencies to quickly respond to immediate training needs and can be set up in a matter of weeks.  Our in-service training has no open enrollment so the sponsoring agency has complete control over the attendance.

For any questions regarding In-Service Training, contact contact Dan Olson at or call him at 602-510-8481.